Friday, March 18, 2011

My Thursday evenings for the next month

Let me tell you about Charlotte. While I was finishing up my senior thesis, this girl saved me. She is an anthropology genius and was always willing to bounce around ideas with me. We spent several hours in the computer lab together endlessly working on posters and rewriting our theses. She became one of my best friends as we bonded over the stress of trying to finish everything.

After the semester was over, I was sad that I wouldn't get to see her as often. We kept in touch and decided that we should sign up for a cooking class or something since we both enjoy that. Somehow our idea morphed though. And that is the story of how I got enrolled in a cake decorating class.

Yesterday was our second class and we actually got to make a cake and ice it. I'll be honest, I am fairly awful at these types of things. I got all the different tools now though so hopefully I'll get better at it. Here is how my cake turned out...

Trust me, I'm fully aware that its not beautiful...BUT, I at least got icing to cover most of the cake so thats an improvement for me. And the icing on the edges isn't a complete disaster. Thus, I am happy with it.  (P.S. It may not be pretty on the outside, but the actual cake inside is bomb. The cake leveler will soon by my new best friend if it provides me with excess cake every time I use it. Oh yum.)

In the end, I'm so glad I'm taking this class! It's nice to have something to do, even if it is just decorating a cake. (I never thought I'd say this, but I was so excited to have a syllabus in my life again too). Also, I'm extremely glad to be taking this class with Charlotte. We basically just laugh at how lost we are the entire time. Who knew cake decorating could be such a science. 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I took a cake decorating class, too! At JoAnn's. um I am SO terrible at it. And have not even attempted at another cake since. Your's looks great!